How to Make Custom MTG Cards

Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is not just a game; it’s a creative outlet for many players. While the official cards offer a vast array of options, some players crave more. Enter custom MTG cards—unique creations that allow players to explore their creativity, personalize their decks, and add a personal touch to their gameplay. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of making your own custom MTG cards, from concept to playtesting.


Custom MTG cards are player-made cards designed to mimic the style and mechanics of official Magic: The Gathering cards. These cards can feature original artwork, innovative mechanics, or even inside jokes among friends. The allure of custom cards lies in the ability to express oneself creatively within the confines of the game’s rules.

So, why make custom MTG cards? For many players, it’s a way to breathe new life into their gaming experience. Whether it’s creating cards based on favorite characters, designing cards that fit a specific theme or storyline, or simply experimenting with new mechanics, custom cards offer a unique opportunity for self-expression and exploration.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before diving into the world of custom card creation, you’ll need a few essential tools and materials:

  • Cardstock or Blank Cards: The foundation of your custom cards.
  • Computer and Design Software: To create and edit card designs.
  • Printer and Ink: For printing your custom designs.
  • Scissors or Paper Cutter: For cutting out your cards.
  • Sleeves: To protect your custom cards during gameplay.

Designing Your Custom Cards

The design process is where your creativity truly shines. Here are some steps to help you bring your custom cards to life:

  • Choosing a Concept/Theme: Decide what you want your custom cards to be about. Will they revolve around a specific storyline, theme, or mechanic?
  • Selecting Artwork or Creating Your Own: Find or create artwork that fits your chosen concept. Make sure to respect copyright laws if using existing artwork.
  • Incorporating Text and Mechanics: Add card text and gameplay mechanics to your designs. Be mindful of balance and readability.
  • Ensuring Readability and Legality: Double-check your designs to ensure that the text is clear and that your cards adhere to official MTG rules and guidelines.

Printing Your Cards

Once your designs are finalized, it’s time to print them out:

  • Choosing the Right Paper or Cardstock: Select a high-quality paper or cardstock that is compatible with your printer.
  • Setting Up Your Printer: Adjust printer settings for optimal results, such as paper size and print quality.
  • Printing Your Designs: Print your custom card designs, making sure to print on both sides if necessary.

Cutting and Sleeving

After printing, you’ll need to cut out your cards and sleeve them for protection:

  • Using a Paper Cutter or Scissors: Carefully cut out each card, ensuring uniform size and shape.
  • Ensuring Uniform Size and Shape: Consistency is key to maintaining the integrity of your custom cards.
  • Sleeving Your Cards: Slide your custom cards into card sleeves to protect them from wear and tear during gameplay.

Playtesting and Feedback

Now that your custom Magic cards are ready, it’s time to put them to the test:

  • Testing Your Custom Cards in Games: Playtest your cards in actual gameplay scenarios to see how they perform.
  • Gathering Feedback: Solicit feedback from fellow players on your custom cards’ balance, design, and overall fun factor.
  • Iterating and Refining Your Designs: Use feedback to make adjustments and improvements to your custom cards.

Sharing Your Custom Cards

Once you’re satisfied with your custom cards, it’s time to share them with the world:

  • Online Communities and Forums: Share your designs on MTG forums and communities to get feedback and inspiration from other players.
  • Social Media Platforms: Post pictures of your custom cards on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter to showcase your creativity.
  • Hosting Your Own Card Designs: Consider creating a website or blog to showcase your custom cards and share them with a wider audience.

Legal Considerations

Before sharing your custom cards publicly, it’s essential to consider the legal implications:

  • Copyright and Intellectual Property: Respect the rights of artists and creators by obtaining permission or using artwork that is in the public domain.
  • Avoiding Infringement: Ensure that your custom cards do not infringe on existing copyrights or trademarks.
  • Understanding Fair Use: Familiarize yourself with the concept of fair use and how it applies to the creation and sharing of custom MTG cards.


Making custom MTG cards is a rewarding creative endeavor that allows players to express themselves and enhance their gaming experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create unique and personalized cards that add a new dimension to your Magic: The Gathering games. So gather your materials, unleash your creativity, and start designing your custom MTG cards today!


1. Can I use existing MTG artwork for my custom cards?

  • While it’s tempting to use official MTG artwork, it’s essential to respect copyright laws and obtain permission before using any copyrighted material.

2. Are there any rules or guidelines for designing custom MTG cards?

  • Yes, custom cards should adhere to the basic rules and mechanics of Magic: The Gathering to ensure balance and fairness in gameplay.

3. Can I sell or distribute my custom MTG cards for profit?

  • Selling custom MTG cards for profit may infringe on copyright and intellectual property laws unless you have explicit permission from the rights holders.

4. How can I playtest my custom cards effectively?

  • Playtesting with a variety of decks and against different opponents can help you evaluate the balance and playability of your custom cards.
How to Make Custom MTG Cards
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